mask n. 1.假面具,伪装,掩蔽物;面罩;防毒面具(= gas mask);【物理学】掩模;(劈剑,棒球等用)护面;(用蜡等从死人面部模制成的)蜡模遗容(= deathmask)。 2.口实;掩饰。 3.假面跳舞会;戴假面者;假面战。 4.(纪念打猎的)狐头,狐面。 5.(筑城)遮障,掩蔽角面堡;【印刷】蒙片;【摄影】蔽光框。 6.【计算机】时标,时间标志。 a flu mask 防感冒戴的口罩;卫生口罩。 assume [put on, wear] the mask 戴假面具,掩盖真面目。 drop [pull off, throw off] the mask 摘下假面具;现出本来面目。 under the mask of 假托,在…假面具下。 vt. 1.在(脸)上戴假面具;化装。 2.蒙蔽,遮蔽,隐,覆;【军事】掩蔽,隐蔽(兵力、炮位);掩护;(因逼近敌方)妨碍(友军)炮火射程;【印刷】(制版时)用蒙片修正(底片色调);【摄影】用蔽光框修改(照相的大小、形状等)。 vi. 戴假面具;化装;参加化装舞会。 We could not fire, as we were masked by our first line. 第一线挡住,我们无法射击。
Lun masking can be either server - based address masking or storage based port mapping 可以是基于服务器的地址掩码,或者是基于存储的端口掩码。
Gets the number of internet control message protocol version 4 icmpv4 address mask reply messages that were sent 获取已发送的internet控制消息协议版本4 ( icmpv4 ) “地址掩码应答”消息的数目。
Gets the number of internet control message protocol version 4 icmpv4 address mask request messages that were sent 获取已发送的internet控制消息协议版本4 ( icmpv4 ) “地址掩码请求”消息的数目。
Gets the number of internet control message protocol version 4 icmpv4 address mask reply messages that were received 获取接收到的internet控制消息协议版本4 ( icmpv4 ) “地址掩码应答”消息的数目。
Gets the number of internet control message protocol version 4 icmpv4 address mask request messages that were received 获取接收到的internet控制消息协议版本4 ( icmpv4 ) “地址掩码请求”消息的数目。